Hard Reset and Soft Reset for iPhone 4 - Sometimes we have to do when our iPhone experiencing errors or lethargy. The purpose of this reset is almost same to the purpose when we reset our computer, turn off all active programs and clean up all running memory programs.
There are two kinds of reset for our iPhone and (also for other devices), Hard Reset and Soft Reset for iPhone 4. Here's how each of these resets.
Hard Reset for iPhone 4,
Press and hold the Home button simultaneously with the Power button for 10 seconds. After that you’ll see the Apple logo appears on the screen. After the Apple logo has been seen, try to turn on your iPhone 4 like usual.
If the iPhone 4 have been jailbreaking, then the way to Hard Reset is bit different. You must connect your iPhone 4 to the PC running iTunes. Press and hold the Home button simultaneously with the Power button for 10 seconds again until the Apple logo appear on the screen. Once you see the Apple logo, keep holding the Home button for 5-10 seconds but releas the Power button. You should look at iTunes to make sure whether your iPhone is already visible.
iTunes will give you notification that your iPhone is in Recovery Mode. To continue the process just click OK and click on the Restore button while your other hand press and hold your Shift button on your keyboard PC. Select the latest IPSW file, iTunes will gives you the manufacturer settings to your iPhone and then you will be able to choose the latest backup when you did the previous synchronization process.
Soft Reset for iPhone 4,
In the Settings Menu, there are many kinds of Soft Reset, from the setting for our Home Screen display, Network Settings, until the data on your device. Choose the General Settings from the icon Settings, scroll down and press Reset. Press the Reset All Settings to reset everything: Home Screen display, network, location warning, and keyboards. A new confirmation window will be appeared, just press the Reset.
To reset specific settings among the general settings (Home Screen display, network, location warning, and keyboard) you need to choose one of them and press Reset in the next confirmation window.
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